Who am I ?

Since 2006, I am preparing my degree of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Engineer at the ENSEEIHT-INP.

During this training, I am both acquiring numerous technical knowledges in relation with programming languages, networks architecture (and many others), as well as project leading experiences, by myself or in a team.

In addition, I have discovered websites development, I have already realized a website for the association of current and former students of the CPP of Toulouse as well as this personnal page, but many projects are in the pipeline.

More details...
The website of the ENSEEIHT : http://www.enseeiht.fr
The website of the AAECPPT : http://www.aaecppt.fr
8, rue Jacques BREL
87220 Feytiat
05 55 31 26 29
Student address
58, rue Jean Micoud
31500 Toulouse
05 81 83 02 17
How to contact me ?
Mobile phone
(+33)(0)6 30 40 75 05 (unavailable for a little while)
Since 2008
UPS and ENSEEIHT-INP, Toulouse (31), France
Paul Sabatier University.
National Polytechnic Institute of Engineering in Electreotechnology, Electronics, Computer science, Hydraulics and Telecommunications.

Master's degree in Computer science and Telecommunications (specialty in Artificial Intelligence).
Expected graduation : September 2009.

More details...
Master presentation : website of the Master, "Presentation" section
Presentation of the Artificial Intelligence speciality : website of the MAster, "AI speciality" section
Since 2006
ENSEEIHT-INP, Toulouse (31), France
National Polytechnic Institute of Engineering in Electreotechnology, Electronics, Computer science, Hydraulics and Telecommunications.

3rd year Computer science degree student.
Expected graduation : September 2009.

More details...
The website of the ENSEEIHT : website of the ENSEEIHT
Présentation du département IMA : site de l'ENSEEIHT, rubrique "Présentation département IMA"
CPP, Labège (31), France
Polytechnic Preparatory Classes : Preparatory classes of the INP.

2nd of Toulouse promotion.

More details...
The national website of the CPP : http://www.cpp-inp.org
The website of the CPP of Toulouse : http://www.inp-toulouse.fr/cpp/cpp.shtml
Lycée Turgot, Limoges (87), France

Baccalauréat S.
Equivalent to 'A' levels in Mathematics, Physics and Engineer science.

More details...
The website of the Lycée Turgot : http://www.lyc-turgot.ac-limoges.fr
Summer 2008 (13 weeks)
XRCE, Grenoble, France.

Development internship in a research area.
Conception of a web application to show and demonstrate work on interactive machine learning and semantic annotation of documents.

More details...
Download the report in pdf format [fr] : Training period report
Since 2007
Website conception and design.

Use of xHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, SQL.
Respect of the Web standards according to the W3C.

More details...
Example :
The website of the AAECPPT : http://www.aaecppt.fr
ENSEEIHT-INP, Toulouse (31), France

Many projects, by myself or in a team, examples :
Server for an electronic trading application (J2EE), Management of duplicated objects with RMI, Compiler.

More details...
Download the POD report in pdf format [fr] : Project report
Summer 2007 (8 weeks)
Boube's Farm, Boussens, France.

Help to the realisation of many tasks that had been waiting for several months.

More details...
Download the report in pdf format [fr] : Training period report

Michelet secondary school, Toulouse (31), France.
School team project for the ENSEEIHT.
School support for pupils in difficulties.

More details...
Download the project report in pdf format [fr] : Project report
May 2006 (5 weeks)

IRIT, Toulouse (31), France.
Institute of Computer Science Research of Toulouse.
Technical training period in research environment.
Activities on approximated resolutions on a combinatorial optimization problem : the travelling salesman problem.

More details...
Download the report in pdf format [fr] : Training period report
Visalix : a web application

Description to come...

Visible on http://visalix.xrce.xerox.com

The website of the AAECPPT

I have realized this website to answer to the demand of the president of the association to set up an online directory of all the former students of the CPP of Toulouse, and of all the commpanies which are employing former students.

Thus, I have develop this site using mainly xHTML and CSS for the presentation, and PHP et SQL for the database administration. I have also develop an administration section for the site, to enable the managing of the database, of the published articles, as well as sending e-mails to all the students.
According to the french laws concerning "Computer Science and Liberties", students can connect on the site to modify their datas.

The website is online at http://www.aaecppt.fr and has already brung together more than 300 students !

Project of duplicated objects management

As a part of my training at the ENSEEIHT on communicating and concurrent systems, I had carried through a project dealing with the management of duplicated objects, using Java RMI concerning the communication between the shared out Java objects.

Applications could choose to share an object by registering it to the server, next, another application could decide to look for a shared object. In order to guarantee consistency of such a system, we have used the lock principle, to read or to write. An object must only have one writer or several readers at the same time.

You can download the subject of this project (POD subject in french), as well as the final report (POD Report in french).

Operating system

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Solaris 9, Linux/Ubuntu.

Office softwares

Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, LateX, The Gimp, Xara Xtreme.

Programming languages

Python (Numpy), Actionscript 3.0, C, C++, Fortran90, CaML, Coq, MatLab, Assembleur, Java (RMI, Swing, JSP, Servlet, J2EE server, JDBC), Corba, TLA, VHDL.


Computer assembling and fixing.

Setting up of local networks : Ethernet and Wifi.


Relational model, SQL, phpMyAdmin, JDBC, Hibernate.

Web development

Tomcat, Apache, xHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, PHP, SQL, JDBC, Hibernate, Flash (AS 3.0) et Flex.
Use of the standards of the W3C.

Structured informations

XML, DOM, SaX, Xpath, XSLT.

Drapeau français

Native speaker.

Drapeau britannique

Advanced level.

15 years of studies.
One 2 weeks journey in Ireland in families.

TOEIC score (June 2008) : 950
Meeting leading, project presentation, phone conversation, report redaction.

Drapeau espagnol

Intermediate level.

7 years of studies.
Many journeys in Barcelona, Spain, including a 1 week stay.

Drapeau japonais

2 years of studies.

Basic conversation.

Various informations

Driving license.

Sportive activities

Tennis in a club during about 4 years.
Nowadays, occasionally only.

Table tennis, school level.



Spare time

Reading : french press, novels.


Music : jazz (swing and be-bop), blues, french music.

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